After 24 very aggressive months the latest plenary meeting was held in the city of Vienna in Austria during February 2020 where the consortium partner TeleConsult Austria were hosting the partners. Again all of the partners were delighted to have the opportunity to meet face to face & converse on the issues that they had to deal with remotely for the delivery of the year two deliverables. With 25 deliverables submitted within year two this brings the total number of deliverables submitted for the first two years of the project up to 47! A staggering amount of effort and collaboration was carried out to achieve this but all of the partners were confident in their submissions to date.

As usual all of the partners got an opportunity to present their work to the consortium in person while also using the stage to answer any of the open issues that still remained. As always with EU projects, the final year is paramount these types of projects as all of the effort and research carried out culminates in the final set of deliverables which determines the overall success of the project. Much of the time in this plenary was spend planning out how to best present the set of results to not only the PO & the set of reviewers but also to interested stakeholders and the general public.

Looking ahead to the final year does have a lot of challanges and will require a lot of effort but it also gave the consortium members a chance to socialise and let off a bit of steam within the famous night life areas of Vienna. Job done with the plenary and its back to our respective countries to complete the project and deliver all of the outcomes for the TransSec project.

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