It can be said that most EU funded projects all fit the same model (to a certain extend) regarding to how the projects runs over its lifetime; the first year is usually about finding their feet, gaining a clear idea of the work ahead and formulating a concise plan, year 2 usually consists of putting all of the pieces together by executing in depth research and beginning the development of the demonstrators/outputs while also describing the progress of the project to date, while year three is usually where the projects deliver the most value in terms of increased state of the art and the delivery of the projects outputs for not only the commission but also the set of interested stakeholders and the public itself.

As TransSec completes its second year all of the work packages are well and truly on their way to meeting the objectives set out for them. Another busy year was had with not only the submission of 25 deliverables but also the completion of the projects’ mid-term review held with the projects officer and the set of reviewers assigned to the project.

The sheer number of deliverables was astounding considering that 12 of them were in month 24 itself thereby keeping all consortium member busy. The breakdown of the deliverables submitted consisted of 16 reports while the remaining 9 deliverables were all demonstrators that covered everything from hyper accurate GNSS positioning to enhanced V2X communications and precise object detection and map generation.

The set of deliverables for the second year of the TransSec project consists of:

  • 25 deliverables
  • 9 of which are public deliverables
  • 16 reports
  • 9 demonstrators

The progress made to date has placed the consortium in a very good position for the remaining year of the project, if the current velocity is sustained then the outputs of the TransSec project will be not only of a very high quality but also of great importance and relevance to the transport and safety community.

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