Review of Year 1 and Plan for Year 2 – Plenary meeting in San Sebastian

To signal the end of the first year of the TransSec project the entire consortium have been working tirelessly to make the set of 12 month deliverables. With the deliverables submitted (8 at month 12, 22 in total to date), of which 4 of them were demonstrators, the consortium set about holding its first plenary meeting for year 2 of the project. For this we headed to San Sebastian in Spain where we were hosted by our consortium partner Vicomtech.

This meeting was a welcome relief to the pace of work over the previous few months. All team members got an opportunity to present the great work done up til the end of month 12 and to give an overview of their plans for the coming period. The level of details that have been presented to date (and included in the set of year 1 deliverables) are evident to this and provided the perfect platform for all work packages to bring all the other consortium members up to speed on their research and outputs so far.

As the project matures so does the consortium, as has become more evident when these meetings take place. The pace of discussions and level of knowledge and details is exchanged at a rapid pace where the actions and decisions are both technically and objectively sound.

We also got a tour of some of the vehicles used by Vicomtech for their research into driving solutions for smart cars and enhanced driver safety systems. This gave all of the consortium members a real insight into the practicalities of fitting out a test vehicle for both proof of concepts and demonstrators.

So with year 1 out of the way year 2 presents itself with some very interesting challenges for all the work packages including the mid-term review that should be taking place later on in 2019. With the plans laid from this project meeting year 2 is looking very (busy but) exciting. More information regarding the project’s year 2 progress to follow…

The Consortium members who attended the plenary meeting.


Overview of the test equipment & vehicles used by Vicomtech.

The wonderful location for the plenary meeting in San Sebastian.

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