TransSec Diary – First Year Complete, Looking to the Future

Within the TransSec project the experience of the consortium for the first year consisted of what can be considered normal in all projects of this type (EU funded with an international consortium).

For the first few months all of the project partners spent a bit of time getting to know the other partners, figuring out the starting point of the project, determining the set of use cases and aligning them with the objectives for the project and getting used to the project vibe. In most cases projects that run for a significant amount of time (in this case 3 years) are usually partitioned into three distinct phases: plan, execute & report/review.
The first year of the TransSec project was set over to mostly planning for the entire lifespan of the project and designing the architecture for the TransSec solution. Each of the work packages got to grips with what is required of them and how each shall interact with the other work packages. Also included was the planning for the demonstration of the projects’ results. To aid this several trucks have been made available to the project and as such all of the consortium members have been hands on with the “testbeds“. So with the plan in place, initial research carried out and a significant amount of deliverables submitted (22 in total) the project has established a firm base to continue the remaining phases of the work to achieve all of the project objectives.

The set of deliverables for the first year of the TransSec project consists of:

  • 22 deliverables
  • 8 of which are public deliverables
  • 18 Reports
  • 4 Demonstrators

All of these outputs have provided focus and clear direction for the consortium and has provided a firm foundation for the remaining activities within the project. As always, all of the public deliverables are available directly from the TransSec website free for anyone to download and view. 

Roll on Years 2 & 3. 

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